Once again started on 9 January 2012 i've become student's again. Actually at here, we called as ''GURU PELATIH" a.k.a Trained Teacher . But sometimes some lecturers called as Teacher coz we're ex Gstt teacher. Mun time kat U, schedule for class xda la skema gilak but at here...fuh skemaa eh..sampey tetiap hari amik kedatangan..oh at here aku terlantek menjadi penolong ketua yang berkaki lebar..citt banyak gilaa kerja ehh..kepak nyawa ngenang..nasibla k sem tok jak..mun x mintak mahap la k..
Oh x tauk la ku dah mention ka belom, course aku ctok is Prasekolah with minor in music. besh x?besh besh besh kan..but seriously never ever thinking to teach pre-school student..then,...tadaaaaa....dah jadi cikgu prasekolah..mula2 aku riso jwak..dah ngaja c ayid ya nang xda kesabaran apatah lagik anak orang lain..hohohoh..After experience almost 2 month at here Alhamdulillah aku dengan yakin nya rasa dapat laa ngaja preschool tok...
one thing jak..must act like them..simple as that..hahaha..
1st masok ctok lok cam beysa we have to attend our orientations in 4 days and hell yeah mbiak molah cam erk??bia bena dak tok...rasa mekorang tok nang freshee eh..maka mekorg tok lebih tauk gik dik,but pa bleh wat daknya kira senior mekorg ctok so mekorg ekot jaklah..dah la macam2 xtvt dipolah..but kekadang da jwak besh such as Malam Bakat..haha x sangka aku menari weeehhh n we won that nite..hohohooo terer jwak ku duhal..
hoho kami budak skolah agik yaaa
then tok time malam bakat