Actually before g ya nang saangaaat nebes tahap cipan. ni ndak g pun ngan ilmu nok cukup2 jak..xda baca banyak coz akuu saaanngat rajin even xda molah pa2..then di saiko gik ngan group di fb ngan macam-macam info..nahaaiii..what do i do seriously..p pergi pun semangat jwak kohh..setelah sekian lamak x kuar kepompong of coz aku excited g tempat study lok oww..sangat la banyak after check the name on lucky number 219 yo..trus planning with my babe, yan a.k.a nurazeani waini (i give ur credit babe) huahua how the transport, diam cney n so on..then fourth of us aku, yan, pija n median g la on Saturday 19 October.oh mekorang plan awal coz mok raon2 dolok.yaaa itu semestinyaa..
So on 19 October, mekorg dari Matu-Daro andd go to Sarikei! mekorang amik kul 9 k express coz masing-masing tengah berjimat..maklum la unemployed suma before aku dihantar oleh ayahanda bonda..mestila mintak restu ayah bonda oww..hehe
muka kenak antar g wharf..hihi
then sampe ke Sarikei, g makan then trus ke wharf Kuching..actually mekorang g kuching k kapal cruise yo..huhu..then sampe kuching around kul 4-5 petang n sampe2 trus di swoh jadi pusing gk cgek bandar Kuching coz both of us except Median lom book hotel..yahh nyaman x palak??Pusing till 7 eyes nang dah sangat sakit..n sangat kepaks tahap cipan coz keta sewa even nya viva nya manual okeeyy =_= ..for 1st nite mekorg stay kt Hotel mandarin. So far quite okey, just parking x bpa selamat. p so far okey la..1 single bed n 1 queen only rm90 something n bilit nya sangat sangat besar..then aku tdo cam princess that night..tomorrow planning eh forgot..mekorng g hari ahad laaa..pfftt silly me,20 October okey kawan2..coz bok ku ingat, plan for tomorrow g my ol skoll ngurus hal konvo..
Then tomorrow, we check out n finally temu laa hotel Supreme. nice jwak otel tok, x jaoh dari pasar then selamat jwak for park the car..then after ya mekorg g brunch at Warong 2000 then temu kawan2 dolok kat cya. pdot,nor,jiah n mimi..after chatting and gossiping and g makan. mekorg g lepak to new one mall..Summer Mall..perrrgghh kenak laaa xda time ku study dolok!!!Why? Why? Why? anyway macam macam da kat ctok..aek nyaman ada (i mean easy drink n go), eskrem baskin robin, secret recipe goshh heaveennnn..then kat atas..quite okey nya pun barang lah..such baju peplum n skirt..oh aku bli 2 skirt for me n mum..hihihi i like doww..then masok waktu ofis g la ngurus hal konvo n temu sort of pekerja cya n lecturer and also juniorr..alalalla..moment la sangat oww..hihi
then sepanjang hari g jalan tolong my fren carik his blazer,,suma g..tabuan, boulivard, spring and so on..ujong2 dapat jwak kt boulivard but superb la mahal..pitty la oww..then that nite just rilex jak kt otel coz kepak and we must prepare for tomorrow..aku?nasib la dah prepare awal2 fail..mandik jak then trus lupak ku..time sampe ke Kuching ria a terrible thing happened..oh so dg aku xpat pakey..mok x mok g jak la bli okey jwak la nya pun number..hihi..
The D DAY happened..awal pagi almost 5.30 mekorg dah berangkat g Unimas coz tauk jak la..hari Isnin then takut jam pa suma..sampe cya around kol 6 dekat mok 7 jwak coz aku drive slow jak..hehhehe..masok2 unimas duhal dah rami urang...then park car..temu member n wallaahh...lepak laa..p sangat nebes..look at suma cam prepare abis weh..aku tok hurmm before masok ya nga nama n group..ada 55 group and im in lucky number 54 with my babes Hazura and xda la awkward gilak nak. In my group have 11 people..campor ipg n ipta pelbagai courses..actually this program more like Penilaian Khas i tod..coz we having discussion sambil diperhatikan oleh Pegawai Spp yang sangat tegas n garang sioot..hehhe..
For 1st session check document.Ok for semakan tok sangat ketat with pegawai pun sama ketat jwak muka...hihih oooppss..p Alhamdulillah aku xda sangkut kt cya..nasib prepare awal2..heheh..banyak jwak la sangkut..then after ya, kamekorg di berik cgek tajuk for discussion. only 1 hour diperuntukkan untuk discuss..tajuk nya: GURU CEMERLANG PENJANA TRANSFORMASI PENDIDIKAN NEGARA if im not mistakenlaa..then discus pun begin..sometimes the SPP's Officer look at our group and ask one two question..but honestly we are enjoying the moment sangat2..kerjasama antara group sangat membina..suma orang brik pendapat n brik buahan pikiran melambak,.Alhamdulillah dah abis discus..then we heard taklimat from the SPP. so time ya aku dengar laa oww (konoonn)..lepas ya abis. break n lunch..
After that, masok gik..tadaaa..tok lah di tunggu2..penyampaian or Penyerahan Surat yang kamekorang tunggu2 selamak by one di tunggah nama n im so Happy...SANGATTT HAPPY..sampey ke menteri ya madah..wah gembiranya kamu...huahauuah....of coz la uncle..thanks to u tooo uncle oww coz give us the Sarawakian the priority having this moment..In Sya Allah we will be the good teacher...oh terharu nyaaa..Alhamdulillah both of us dapat surat lantikan hari ya juwakk..Syukur gilak2 berkat doa mak n apak n family also sumber kekuatan aku selamak tok...then after ya mekorang g celebrate la konon.. So peeps that all yang aku mok share..sometimes rindu jwak mok study but...kinek only one jak aku mok..kerja dapat duit n enjoy my life n my Family..yup it kat debah mok share some pic yang aku amik time The Day Happens..
me n rinie..dolok sama g sama dapat surat lantikan..yay!!Congrate rinieee..
us again
muka nebes..ahaha part 2..
time trimak surat .Mr, Richard Rickie Akat
Suzieeee..oh time tok kdak konvo jak eh ditunggah sorang2 katas pentas,,
yeah my surat lantikannn..
celebratiooonnn yummmy at secret recipe
our flight on 23 petang..
still waiting
raining outside..
muka kepak dah tok dudok lamak
im FLY babey..
P/: actually best jwak time tok..oh rindu mok fly gik.,,sabar aenn..