Sunday, October 9, 2011

Blogger vs Vlogger...

   Assalamualaikum for the first entry in octoberians i wanna share about what im doing for past few month..yeah guys i'm Addicted watching vlogger nowww..yeap..but before i will tell u what is vlogger..tauk dah suma orang tauk ya..juz for those nok x tauk, ku mok padah jak k..okeh definition of vlogger or vlogging or what so ever based on wikipedia is form of blogging for which the medium is video,[7] and is a form of Web television. Entries often combine embedded video or a video link with supporting text, images, and other metadata. Entries can be recorded in one take or cut into multiple parts. It is also a very popular category on pendek im doing now is blogging rite..but vlogging is u express or u blog using video...
   Actually aku asa lamak dah orang molah vlogging tok juz aku jak baruk realise..huh how lame i'am.but dah layan 2 3 bulan watching other vlogging nang awesome laa...first vlogging dat i've been watch by Matluthfi90...mun ur guys mok nangga juz taip matlufhti90 at youtube..oh lupak ku...aku nang nga vlogger tok using utube..actually mun international pun daknya da website dmpun..but for Malaysian vlogger nok first ku nga,matlutfhi90 tok aku nga dari utube..he's funny and also hilarious dow..mostly vlogging nya hal berkaitan dirik nya mpun based on experience nya kt ctok ku ngkah one of his best vlogging..

haha tok boleh la lawak nyaa..Matlutfhi to is r the winner for vlogger around Malaysian..other than nya tok actually banyak gik vlogger lain rah Malaysia such as Annuarhadi,MariaElena,Kyopaganda,AmanWan,SharinCool,maccaboys and the most aku minat and aku one of the kipas susah mati nya ialahh..jengjengjeng,...MENTOL PECAH!!!Mentol Pecah tok groping vlogger which is Niman + MozeK=MENTOL PECAH..dak dwak tok vlogging just for fun and for mengexperimental lawak lawak dak nyaa..aku mula nga vlogging dak masa Malam beshday aku 21 september taun tok!and aku asa the best laa in Malaysian..kat ctok ktk orang bleh layan la vlogging Mentol Pecah tok k..

haa tok paling best n sengal...layan k...okeh now kita ngah vlogger from internasional..coz aku nang dah addicted carik vlogging tok sampe suma vlogger malaysia most laa aku dah nga..(aku asa laa) so da one nite aku beralih g nangga international pun video..for the first time aku curious jwak la ney la tauk daknya used english nok aku x berapa paham..maklum laa x terer bahh..hhahha but mula ku bkak ya Alhamdulillah ok laa...and aku rasa lebeh fun la..not to say Malaysia vlogger are not good but the fact their more awesome than we are..p Malaysian Vlogger pun bleh jadi more Awesome than dak nya..Malaysia kan Bolehh!!..klah for international vlogging aku suggest takorang nga nigahiga a.k.a bryan higa..yeah aku confess aku nga nya coz he is sooooo cute..hahha check dis out k pal..

hahha sometimes he wit his fren like to teasing any movie and song..p nang lawak..hehhehe other than dat setakat tok aku nga vlogging from Kevin channel n so on jwak...kekadang penah jwak la aku terpk mok polah vlogging tok..p blog aku pun x terkaber mok update apatah lagi vlogg klak..wakahkahkah...k la pal..for the last..this is my favorite vlogging nok aku suka nga n i wanna share wit u all..apa2 pon TeeHee!!hhahha

p/s: best wooo...goleng2

bersawang laggii!!!

well well hello there..sowii yang teramat la coz langsong x update update blog..ntah laa mok padah busy xda la gilak...mayb ketandusan idea or may be terlupak kejap lantaran gila tahap cips nga vlogging urang...(wah bahasa??wtfish songgoh)hauhauahua..kla guys from now aku will activate balit blogger tok..everthough maybe vlogging for certain orang its so lame..coz everybody busy VLOGGING now??but me??eheks..mayb next time..lom bersedia gik mok mengexpresikan n also mengkomersialkan dirik sendirik..muahahhahaha..actually for first post in octoberians tok banyak juakla menda ku mok share..sooo...check it out k guys...heheeh k la mok stop lok..adiosss...

p/s:actually ku gik lam process ngumpol info..hahhaha