Sunday, January 16, 2011

~cutest turn~

yay!!come back for the re-match.klu last post are about the fucking hell ugly dis time aku nak expose plak the cutest creatures ever..for gegurl is it awesome if boyfie gif crazy to the max cutest pet as a give..aww sound romantik kan.but lame laa klu asyik2 bagi cat (i dont like actly), hamster, ikan ker??lame suggestion to all boyfie in the world,aku nak reveal the most cutest creature in the world dat u all can gave to ur gurl..ada bran??hahha


10.  Pipefish

gosshh look at the awesome creatures..
These thin fish belong in the same family as sea horses and sea dragons. They are much cuter, though, probably due to their nose-like snouts. Most live in salt water, but a few live in fresh water. Like sea horses, the male carries his partner’s eggs for quite some time.

Fun Fact: The love life of these fish is pretty varied. Some species mate for life, some mate with several different partners, and some female members of various species mate with multiple partners at the same time.

9. European Mole

These small Insectivores are covered in fur which hides most of their features… which is what makes them so adorable. The European Mole spends most of its life underground, digging tunnels and eating insects. They are well known for their poor eyesight, which isn’t really needed underground. They may be cute, but they can cause problems for an unlucky gardener or farmer, as the Mole’s burrowing can damage crops and plants. Not to be confused with the rather ugly Star-nosed Mole.

Fun Fact: You can’t kill moles in Germany without a permit

8. Kiwi

Not the fruit – the bird! These puffy birds native to New Zealand are one of the thickest feathered birds around! The bird’s wings have been reduced to stubs over time, rendering them flightless, but they make up for that with their extraordinary sense of smell. They have a varied diet, consisting of insects, worms, leaves, and berries. There are five recognized species, all of which are endangered.

Fun Fact: Kiwi’s lay huge eggs for their size: up to 20% of their body weight. That would be like a 150 pound woman giving birth to a 30 pound baby.

7. Angora Rabbit

At first, you might think this animal is a giant ball of fluff, but there really is a rabbit in there. These large rabbits were bred specifically for the fluffiness. There are four recognized breeds, as well as several unrecognized breeds. They range from WTF fluffy (English), pretty fluffy (French, Satin) to large, but not super fluffy (Giant).

Fun Fact: Just in case you didn’t realize how fuzzy these guys are, you can actually buy clothes and yarn made entirely of Angora rabbit fur (with no harm done to the animal).

6. Puffer Fish

These guys are quite cute at first, but once you startle them, you just want to poke them. This Family of fish (I couldn’t choose just one) is able to swallow water (or even air) quickly, so much so that they become spherical, scaring off predators. This often saves both of their lives, since most puffer fish species are poisonous. You should be safe as long as you don’t eat it, with proper preparation, it can be served as a dish (see Top 10 Poisonous Foods We Love To Eat – item 9). Not to be mistaken for their cousins, the porcupine fish (they are two separate families).

Fun Fact: Puffer fish have the smallest genomes in the vertebrate world.

5. African Pygmy Hedgehog 

These mammals are the most adorable members the family Erinaceidae (mostly hedgehogs), even though it is filled with cute critters. You probably have seen one of these before or at least know how they look like. They are vaguely rodent-like mammals that have many small spines on their back. They can roll into a ball to protect themselves. This particular hedgehog has been domesticated, so you can have one for a pet without too much trouble.

Fun Fact: Be sure to check your local laws before buying a hedgehog. Some places require you to have a permit, while others (such as the states of California and Hawaii) completely ban them as pets.

4. Dwarf Hamster 

These little rodents are even more adorable than their bigger cousins. There are three species, but my favorite is Campbell’s dwarf hamster. These creatures come from the steppes of China and Russia. They are sold as pets in just about every pet store. Chinese hamsters are also adorable and sometimes called dwarf hamsters, although they are not in the same Genus.

Fun Fact: Personally, I had a ashole experience wit dis ex boyfie promise to give a cute damn hamster but till now he NEVER give it to me..DAMN ASHOLE ex boyfie..hihih

3. Manatee

Now we’re getting to the hardcore stuff. These “sea cows” are really beefy, but really cute. So cute you want to hug it. Unlike whales and dolphins, manatees are herbivorous. Not surprisingly, they are related to elephants. They are endangered, partly due to a vicious, unnatural predator: the boat propeller.

Fun Fact: Manatee’s have vestigial (useless) toe nails on their flippers.

2.Wooly Bear Caterpillar 
Most caterpillars are icky… except for these guys. This cute caterpillar is the larva form of the Isabella tiger moth. They eat a variety of plants, including certain ones that they eat to fight back against certain parasites. They may be furry, but don’t pet them without gloves, or else you might get a rash.

Fun Fact: Do you LOVE woolly bears? Then go to the annual Woollybear Festival in Vermilion, Ohio. The main event is a huge woolly bear dress up competition. It takes place in mid-September.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

top ten Ugliest Creatures!!!!

tip tap tip tap raining outside..dat y aku tak dapat nak update dis blog salu coz line tenet aku teramat laaa slow..wat to do kan..kt kampong aku pun dah banje tahap cipan (but umah aku tinggi laa) for today aku nak share ngan korang about creatures who live n share dis world wit us..Subhanallah betapa besar nya kuasa Yang Maha Esa yang mencipta apa saja yang dikehendaki-Nya kan..aku baru jer surf dis creatures..huhu looks amazing n funny n sometimes kiut gak laaa..huhuh nway kite check it up sesamer k..

so for dis topic we only discuss physical ugliness, not internal, so don’t even bother mentioning your most hated left or right wing politician or celebrity in the comments (I know you want to). The list does not include insects – they are a whole other level of ugliness! So, from the least ugly to the most revolting, natures 10 ugliest creatures.

10. Mata Mata

The mata mata is a freshwater turtle found predominantly in South America, notably in the Amazon and Orinoco basins. The animal’s peculiar physical aspect distinguishes it from other members of its order. It is an animal highly skilled in hunting techniques. French naturalist, Pierre Barrère described it thus:

“large land turtle with spiky and ridged scales”. The mata mata is quite visually distinctive: its head is triangular, large, and extremely flattened, with many tubercles and flaps of skin, most notably a ‘horn’ on the nose. There are two barbels on the chin and two additional filamentous barbels at the jaw. The snout is long and tubular. The upper jaw is neither hooked nor notched.
p/s: but aku rasa dis not dat bad 4 name 10 ugly creatures rite?cam  kura2 je aku tgk.hahha

8. Star Nosed Mole

The Star-nosed Mole is a small North American mole found in eastern Canada and the north-eastern United States. It lives in wet lowland areas and eats small invertebrates, aquatic insects, worms and molluscs. It is a good swimmer and can forage along the bottoms of streams and ponds. Like other moles, this animal digs shallow surface tunnels for foraging; often, these tunnels exit underwater. It is active day and night and remains active in winter, when it has been observed tunnelling through the snow and swimming in ice-covered streams.
p/s: extremely menggelikan..weird like a alien with many of hands..

7. Sloth

6. Naked Mole Rat

5.  Axolotl

The Axolotl (or ajolote) is the best-known of the Mexican neotenic mole salamanders belonging to the Tiger Salamander complex. Larvae of this species fail to undergo metamorphosis, so the adults remain aquatic and gilled. Their heads are wide, and their eyes are lidless. Their limbs are underdeveloped and possess long, thin digits. Axolotls have barely visible vestigial teeth which would have developed during metamorphosis. The primary method of feeding is by suction, during which their rakers interlock to close the gill slits. Axolotls have 4 different colours, 2 naturally occurring colours and 2 mutants. The 2 naturally occurring colours are wildtype (Varying shades of brown usually with spots) and melanoid (black). The 2 mutants colours are leucistic (pale pink with black eyes) and albino (golden, tan or pale pink with pink eyes).
p/s: yeker ade minatang nih??cam toys pun ade kan

4.  tarsier

Tarsiers are prosimian primates of the genus Tarsius. Tarsiers have enormous eyes and long feet. Their feet have extremely elongated tarsus bones, which is how they got their name. They are primarily insectivorous, and catch insects by jumping at them. They are also known to prey on birds and snakes. As they jump from tree to tree, tarsiers can catch even birds in motion. Tarsiers have never formed successful breeding colonies in captivity, and when caged, tarsiers have been known to injure and even kill themselves because of the stress.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

~wedges heel mania~yAy!!

yay aloohhaaa come back again wit some aku nak cakap pasal W.E.D.G.E. heel a.k.a aku gelar kasut kiut..nowadays kita bleh tengok mane2 gegurl wear very da kiut n superb sexy gegurl wear dis kind of wedges..actly dis kind of kiutes wadge heel is on most shoes, the "heel" sits under only the heel of the foot, but a wedge heel runs under the foot, from the back of the shoe to the middle or front,meaning that klu high heel may be a little tiny at the back,but this wedge heel mostly from back to middle or front.erm bagi aku yang berbadan "little bit chubby nih tersangat la "selesa n selamat" if i wear dis kind of shoe rather than high heel kan..
actually dis cutest wedges dah glamer i think  1 to 2 years ago kot.but dis is become mania to me since last let share wat type of wedges yang tersangat la kiut time nih k..

for the 1st type is floral wedges heel..aku rasa dis type is soooo cute klu dipakai oleh mostly gegurl..for dis type time aku ada juz only 1 jer..

for dis floral wedges is it very kiut if the gurl the soften kiut gown or also baju kurung rite..menyerlahkan kelembutan...

dis wedges heel also came with the different shape.sometimes shape heel of the wedges sangat unik such as dis wedges

unik kan wedges nih n sooo sooo kiut..hehhe

dis kind of type olso have different shape.tengok jer kat heel dier sure sume orang pandang korang nyer wedges..ehhehe.i wish i could have 1..hihih

wedges nih jugak leh wat korang feel sexy when u using it such as

simple n sexy errmm.

different type n shape of kiut wedges heel...ish klu la aku dapat sumer yang camnih..hihi nway setakat nih my collection ada 4 to 6 kiut wedges jer but yang paling aku sayang

Monday, January 3, 2011

~depression in me~

yeah aku asa little bit depress sume coz si tua bangka sial tuh..klu ikut ati jahat aku nih memang dah lama dah aku langgar ngan kreta dunia baru bapak aku..huhuh..but aku still waras for not doink something crazy eventhough aku rasa nak nangis je klu terkenangkan menda yang dah nak jadi...hurmm adat manusia la kann..kita tak semesti nya sentiasa diatas..sometimes we have to go down..yang penting kita ready or not..coz aku tak ready la aku rasa sentap gak something happen to me lately..huh betol2 menyepoilkan mood New Year akuu..sial tol la ain len kali bleh tak ko sedarkan diri ko to be ready klu ade menda2 camnih datang laggiiii..hopefulllyy...talking about depress aku ade habit yang memang aku rasa sangat positive to share ngan korang.aku klu rasa x motivated,depress ke,sedih gila babeng ker aku salu g bersukan exspecially joging..wit jog korang ada banyak sangat masa to thinking again what is the problem then korang leh cheer urself.aku salu wat camtuh n seyesli its working..but make sure la korang jog tempat yang sesuai..petang tadi after ofis hour aku trus cau g jog wit my sist n have lots n lots thinking about my problem n alhamdulillah aku rasa bersemangat.of coz la kita tak leh  lupa YANG MAHA ESA klu ada apa2..yang sebaik-baik2 nya klu ada problem memang selalu ingat YANG MAHA BERKUASA coz everything happen ada hikmah nya..
k la pal aku nak share wat is depression n how u can overcome the depression matters..mudahan dapat menolong kita suma..k adiiooosss..
p/s: little x paham actly apa aku cakap kt cni but lantak laaa.hahhaha..

what is depression disorder?
Depression is a "whole-body" illness, involving your body, mood, and thoughts. It affects the way you eat and sleep, the way you feel about yourself, and the way you think about things. A depressive disorder is not the same as a passing blue mood. It is not a sign of personal weakness or a condition that can be willed or wished away. People with a depressive illness cannot merely "pull themselves together" and get better. Without treatment, symptoms can last for weeks, months, or years. Appropriate treatment, however, can help most people who suffer from depression.

The symptoms of depression may vary from person to person, and also depend on the severity of the depression. Depression causes changes in thinking, feeling, behavior, and physical well-being. 

  • Changes in Thinking - You may experience problems with concentration and decision making. Some people report difficulty with short term memory, forgetting things all the time. Negative thoughts and thinking are characteristic of depression. Pessimism, poor self-esteem, excessive guilt, and self-criticism are all common. Some people have self-destructive thoughts during a more serious depression.
  • Changes in Feelings - You may feel sad for no reason at all. Some people report that they no longer enjoy activities that they once found pleasurable. You might lack motivation, and become more apathetic. You might feel "slowed down" and tired all the time. Sometimes irritability is a problem, and you may have more difficulty controlling your temper. In the extreme, depression is characterized by feelings of helplessness and hopelessness.
  • Changes in Behavior - Changes in behavior during depression are reflective of the negative emotions being experienced. You might act more apathetic, because that's how you feel. Some people do not feel comfortable with other people, so social withdrawal is common. You may experience a dramatic change in appetite, either eating more or less. Because of the chronic sadness, excessive crying is common. Some people complain about everything, and act out their anger with temper outbursts. Sexual desire may disappear, resulting in lack of sexual activity. In the extreme, people may neglect their personal appearance, even neglecting basic hygiene. Needless to say, someone who is this depressed does not do very much, so work productivity and household responsibilities suffer. Some people even have trouble getting out of bed.
  • Changes in Physical Well-being - We already talked about the negative emotional feelings experienced during depression, but these are coupled with negative physical emotions as well. Chronic fatigue, despite spending more time sleeping, is common. Some people can't sleep, or don't sleep soundly. These individuals lay awake for hours, or awaken many times during the night, and stare at the ceiling. Others sleep many hours, even most of the day, although they still feel tired. Many people lose their appetite, feel slowed down by depression, and complain of many aches and pains. Others are restless, and can't sit still.
Now imagine these symptoms lasting for weeks or even months. Imagine feeling this way almost all of the time. Depression is present if you experience many of these symptoms for at least several weeks. Of course, it's not a good idea to diagnose yourself. If you think that you might be depressed, see a psychologist as soon as possible. A psychologist can assess whether you are depressed, or just under a lot of stress and feeling sad. Remember, depression is treatable. Instead of worrying about whether you are depressed, do something about it. Even if you don't feel like it right now. 

how to beat the depression??

  1. Joining support groups
          this is one of the best methods of learning more about your illness and in some cases about yourself. A support group is a group of like-minded individuals who are joined together for a common cause. You will find depression support groups both online as well as offline. Joining a group is one of the best things you can do to help yourself when living with depression.

2. Help someone else

Nothing will help to alleviate your symptoms and to lower your sense of depression or helplessness than giving some time or energy to another cause. While you may not be inclined to help another person, doing so will give you a wide range of benefits, not the least of which will be less time to feel your own sadness.

3. Learn to deal with stress

Develop and use better coping mechanisms for dealing with your own stress. Take some classes to learn how to cope with your stress. By dealing with stress in a better way, it will lower the resultant secretions that the body puts out when we are under stress. Long-term release of these cortico-steroids can have a detrimental effect on the body processes, that can impact depression.

4. Exercise

By exercising on a regular basis it can be very helpful. If you have the time, take an exercise class and if you don't, spend a minimum of twenty to thirty minutes a day exercising. The endorphins that are released as you exercise are natural mood elevators. By exercising on a regular basis, you will begin to have more energy, have less stress and be in a much better mood. In fact, exercise is addicting after you develop the habit. What a great addiction to have!

5. Think positive

Did you know that some studies say that perpetual negative thinking can actually be a cause of depression? Give yourself a chance to feel better and to relax more. Be forgiving with yourself and let go of the negative thoughts and emotions that are controlling your actions and your moods.

hope ol the information bleh bagi manfaat for semua k..( this article is from ezzine article n pschology information on9)thanks yo..ehhe