Friday, March 4, 2011

must Dump a Psycho boyfie...but HOW??

Aloohhhaaa...last post kite dah tau kan how to recognize our psycho boyfie..for dis post kite nak cakap lak how to dump the pyscho bukan aper,sayang macam mana pun korang wit this type of boyfie,..korang tahan ker??alamat nyer takde geng lagi la korang coz dis type of men will ensure ur r mine for 24/7 aku advice kan sesaper la ader "terkena" wit dis kind of type whether men or women..lebih baik tinggalkan sebelum terjadinya perkara-perkara yang tidak di guys check it out k...

How to Dump a Psycho

      If you've gotten yourself tangled up with a psycho boyfriend or girlfriend, or even found out that your mild-mannered roommate has psychotic tendencies, there's usually a way to get out of the bind without consulting the authorities or issuing a restraining order. That's only necessary in the most severe cases. Check out the following tips for how to dump a psycho from your life.

1.  Extricate yourself from the psycho's life. Don't call or email and avoid his calls. Always check caller ID on your landline or cell. Save all the emails and instant messages they send but don't answer them. If a worst case scenario occurs you'll have all the evidence you need for a court case. Most psychos or emotionally disturbed individuals will disappear if you refuse contact with them.
2.  Be cordial to the irrational party if you do encounter them and can't get out of it. If you yell at them or admonish them, it will only make you seem like the psycho. Even if you're boiling inside, remain cool. Don't do or say anything that will give them ammunition against you.
3.  Act crazy. If you pretend that you're crazier than him, this may scare him away. It's like that old adage to fight fire with fire. If he sees that you're a little psycho yourself, he won't want to deal with you and will probably want to dump you instead
4.  Do a background check if the psychotic behavior doesn't stop. This will give you specifics that may cause the psycho to leave if they find out you know about their past. If you learn he lied to get his job or has skipped out on paying alimony, you will have a bargaining tool to use against him. Only use this information as a last resort, however.
5.  Move out of town. If all else fails, move to another city or a nearby suburb. You don't have to run like you were the guilty party, but if you start a new life in a berg that's hard for the psycho to find, you'll have time and energy to concentrate on your own life instead of figuring out how to dump the psycho
do hoping this can help all of u k..adiossss..

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